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      Physicals and Insurance Exams

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Hazardous Materials - Physicals

OSHA - requires employers to medically screen employees that will be exposed to hazardous materials and chemicals that can cause serious bodily harm and health problems.  Hazmat Physicals and medical screening should be completed before exposure work begins, annually as the work continues, at the end of exposure work for the company, and more frequently when monitoring certain health conditions.  This continued attention to employee health is designed to detect employees who should not be performing hazmat jobs, and to detect changes in employee health perhaps related to dangerous exposure to hazardous materials.


HazMat & Hazwoper

Hazmat & Hazwoper Physicals



HazMat Physical

Required by OSHA

Baseline Exams

Annual Exams

Periodic Exams

Exit Exams

Intended for those exposed to

hazardous materials

Starting At $825.00

Paramex is partnered with WorkCare to provide this service.  Costs are based on a reasonable value to perform such services.

Your HAZMAT Physical will include:



Paramex partners with WorkCare to offer Hazmat clearance based on work and job-site exposure specific to the company or employee.  Before your physical, an MSE Medical Surveillance Evaluation is required ($75.00) which helps our office outline the specific tests needed to properly screen and clear you for hazmat work.  A qualified medical examiner will perform a routine physical with special attention given to prior exposures, the health history, and the job description | exposure levels provided by the employer.  In addition to the exam the following tests are required but not limited to the list below to determine a baseline, compare health changes during exposure periods, and evaluate health shifts in an exit exam. 

Chest X-Ray

EKG | Electrocardiogram

Blood Testing | Exposure

Urine Testing | Exposure


Spirometry | PFT

Hepatitis B Titer

Hepatitis B Vaccination

Included in Physical - Required

Included in Physical - Required

Not included - priced separate
3 shot series | $314.00

Hazwoper Physical

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response

Required when

Developing health issues may be

related to overexposure

Work exposure exceeds the OSHA

PELs (Permissible exposure levels)

A respirator mask is worn for greater than

30 Days each work year

A job includes response to hazardous materials

cleanup and restoration to contaminated sites


starting at




Your HAZWOPER Physical will include:

A qualified medical examiner will perform a routine physical with special attention given to prior exposures, the health history, and the job description | exposure levels provided by the employer.  A physical agility, strength, and lift testing is included.  Based on required use of respirator masks, a OSHA respirator evaluation will be completed.  In addition to the exam the following tests are recommended to determine a baseline, compare health changes during exposure periods,

and evaluate health shifts in an exit exam. 

Spirometry | PFT


Chem Panel

Liver function test


Complete Blood Count

Hepatitis B Titer

Hepatitis B Vaccination

Add-On Tests - Recommended

Add-On Tests - Recommended

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